Friday, April 25, 2008

Angry Artist?!

Does this look like the face of a maladjusted artist? One never knows....

When my sister, Michelle, sent this story in an email last night, I knew I had to ask her to allow me to share it. Enjoy today's Guest Post....

I was reading 7-year-old Caden's poems that he brought home from school today; adorable poems about Star Wars, ice cream, furry dogs, loving his mom, and bald eagles. Imagine how the proud smile disappeared from my face when I saw this drawing of an angry man:
My son is in first grade!! I was completely shocked, as he is the kind of boy whose worst "f-word" is FART! That man is flipping the bird!?!

And did you notice how the hand has black scribbled over it? OMG! My shock soon turned to embarassment as I imagined his teacher seeing that horrible finger and covering it up with pencil before sending it home. Then, I was even more upset; why didn't the teacher call me to tell me he had drawn such a thing?

I tried to remain calm. I approached Caden with a tone I couldn't fully supress, "Caden, what is this? Please explain this to me."

"The man was watching a show about bald eagles on TV. He REALLY loves bald eagles. The show ended, and he got MAD. He yells RRRrrrrrr, and he has the remote. He shut the TV off, and it went Beep! off, and he stomped away."

Based upon my incorrect interpretation, I can now infer that I am either losing faith in Caden's purity or I just have a completely foul mind. (Either one is not appealing.) Now I just hope that his teacher asked him the same questions that I did. I'm guessing that since the principal hasn't called, all is well. For now...