The photo was taken shortly before Mom's 75th birthday a few years back. Mary, who really has a way with words, penned a little ditty to go with the photo, and we framed both and gave them to Mom at her birthday party. The pairing now hangs in her hallway.
"Like mother, like daughters" was never more true
The older we get, the more we're like you.
And we gladly proclaim as we come to assemble...
You're a marvelous mom we are proud to resemble!
When we look upon others, seeing only their good,
When we nurture our families as only you could,
when we burst into song, when we laugh right out loud,
it's you that we hear, and that makes us proud.
When we count all our blessings, from our looks to our hearts,
inside and out, they're the sum of your parts.
So pardon us "clones" if we seem to be boasting...
we just really love the mom we are toasting!
I know...I'm lucky. We all are.